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A practical guide to managing invasive alien plants

A concise handbook for land users in the Cape Floral Region

The supporting documentation and additional information in these appendices are in PDF format, but the templates can be converted to MS Word using free PDF to Word conversion programs available on the internet.  

Legal requirements

Appendix 1: Legislation guideline for invasive alien species 
A detailed guideline on the legislation relevant to landowners with invasive alien species on their land.  
Download Appendix 1

Planning IAP management operations

Appendix 2: Guidelines for the preparation of an IAP control plan 
Guidelines for drawing up an IAP control plan for a farm, giving basic pointers on drawing up a plan, completing a field verification and determining working days for costing. A field verification work sheet (see also Appendix 3) and guidelines for clearing times (see also Appendix 4) are also included. 

Download Appendix 2

Appendix 3: Work sheet for field verification

A blank work sheet to fill in the species, age and density classes of IAPs and then calculate person days. The work sheet can be converted to MS Word using free PDF to Word conversion programs available on the internet. The work sheet is also available from the Department or Environment, Forestry and Fisheries Natural Resource Management (NRM) offices. 
Download Appendix 3

Appendix 4: Guidelines for clearing time (person day/ha norms)

The “norms” for person days required for different IAP types, ages and density classes. It is also available from Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries Natural Resource Management (NRM) offices. 
Download Appendix 4

Appendix 5: Template for a farm-level alien control plan

A template to record listed alien species, distribution, objectives and actions, monitoring actions, planning and budget and a clearing schedule. It also provides a herbicide control sheet and useful checklists for landowners. The template can be converted to MS Word using free PDF to Word conversion programs available on the internet. 
Download Appendix 5

Appendix 6: Basic mapping skills

Some basics of map reading and mapping aids necessary to understand maps. 

Download Appendix 6

Appendix 7: Fire protection associations in the Western Cape

Information about Fire Protection Associations are specific to the reader’s location and can be found online. An example for the Western Cape is included here. 
Download Appendix 7

Appendix 8: CapeNature's fact file: A landownder's guide to planning alien control

This two-page information sheet giving brief information on prioritisation, budget, clearing methods and common invasive alien species, in English and Afrikaans, is also available on CapeNature’s website at www.capenature.co.za
Download Appendix 8

Appendix 9: National geospatial information

Topographical maps and aerial photos are available from the NGI at www.ngi.gov.za

Appendix 10: CapeNature's fact sheet: What a landowner needs to know about fire management

A two-page information sheet on fire management for landowners, including principles of burning (frequency, intensity, season) and dos and don’ts. 

Available in English at https://www.capenature.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Landowners-Guide-to-Fire-Management-Fact-Sheet-English.pdf 

Available in Afrikaans at https://www.capenature.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Landowners-Guide-to-Fire-Management-Fact-Sheet-Afrikaans.pdf.

IAP management methods

Appendix 11: Choice of nozzles for invader plant control 
An introduction to the types of nozzles available and their uses. This information can be sourced from your herbicide provider.  

Herbicide safety

Appendix 12: Example of a herbicide mixing rate table 
Most herbicide manufacturers supply a table of quantities for mixing common herbicides online. Additional information can be found on CropLife’s website: https://croplife.co.za

Appendix 13: AVCASA’S storing agrochemicals and stock remedies

Guidance on the proper storage of chemicals to prevent the risk of agrochemicals being used to poison livestock, people and even to destroy crops is available at www.nda.agric.za/docs/peststore/storing.htm

Appendix 14: CropLife international's responsible use manuel

Comprehensive course material on the concepts and principles of the responsible use of pesticides is available at https://croplife.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Responsible-Use-Manual.pdf

Appendix 15: CropLife's resources on container management

A set of resources on proper disposal of used herbicide containers is available at https://croplife.co.za/container-management

Rehabilitation and restoration

Appendix 16: WWF: A practical guide for community-run nurseries 
Wilman, V. 2019. A Practical Guide for Community-run Nurseries: Growing Indigenous Plants for Restoration. WWF South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa. This practical guide is available at https://www.wwf.org.za/our_research/publications/?29601/a-practical-guide-for-community-run-nurseries.  

Appendix 17: WWF: Restoration of alien-invaded riparian systems

Fourie, S. and Wilman, V. n.d. Restoration of alien-invaded riparian systems. Report ISBN 978-2-940443-06-2, WWF, Cape Town, South Africa. 
Download Appendix 17

Appendix 18: Alien weeds and invasive plants

Henderson, L. 2001. Alien weeds and invasive plants. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook No. 12. Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa.  
A complete guide to declared weeds and invaders in South Africa, including another 36 species invasive in that region, compiled by the Agricultural Research Council.

Download Appendix 18


Step 1: Identify species with book or website
Step 2: Map and estimate density 
Step 3: Calculate workload (persondays) and treatment methods 
Step 4: Calculate wages, tools & equipment, PPE and transport costs
Step 5: Calculate herbicide rates and prices 

Appendix 19: A guide to the biocontrol of alien invasive hakea species

A.R. Wood, A Fourie, R.M. Krug and A.J. Gordon. A guide to the biological control of alien invasive hakea species. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook No. 22. Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa.
The guide details the how, where and when to implement biological control against the hakea species. 

Download appendix 19: Afrikaans
Download appendix 19: English

Appendix 20: Invasive alien plants in South Africa

Henderson, L. 2020. Invasive Alien Plants in South Africa. Plant Protection Research Institute Handbook No. 21. Plant Protection Research Institute, Agricultural Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa.

A complete guide to restricted invasive alien plants in South Africa, including another 40 taxa invasive in that region (Lesley Henderson’s comprehensive revision of her seminal “Alien Weeds and Invasive Plants”, published in 2001).

Download appendix 20