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Navigating Muddy Waters Technical Report 2: Unburnable carbon: budgeting carbon in South Africa

Commissioned by WWF, this report by Carbon Tracker analyses what the planned South African carbon budget might mean for investors in coal mining companies in South Africa. The report contains analysis of this risk to the Government Employees’ Pension Fund (GEPF). 

Commissioned by WWF, this report by Carbon Tracker analyses what the planned South African carbon budget might mean for investors in coal mining companies in South Africa. The report contains analysis of this risk to the Government Employees’ Pension Fund (GEPF).

Climate change and water scarcity are two of the main drivers that governments, civil society and business need to seriously address in the transformation of the global economy into one that that is resource efficient, low carbon, resilient and equitable. As a significant provider of financial capital, institutional investors play an important role in our ability to shape this transformation. On the other hand, these same investors face material financial risks if they are exposed to companies that are unprepared for this economic transition.

The aim of the reports is to provide empirical research to investors in and regulators of the securities markets that can guide policy and investment strategies to support the transition to a resource efficient, low carbon, resilient and equitable global economy. 

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Navigating Muddy Waters Technical Report 2: Unburnable carbon: budgeting carbon in South AfricaUnburnable Carbon: Budgeting carbon in South Africa

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