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A view over Kalk Bay, Cape Town with yellow flowers in the frame.

Financing nature

Nature and the financial sector are inextricably linked. Safeguarding nature and biodiversity require a fundamental change in business models, transparency in disclosure and substantial shifts in financial investment.

Nature-related risks – including biodiversity loss and ecosystem degradation – are the potential threats linked to individuals and wider society’s dependencies on nature. To address the decline in biodiversity, the Global Biodiversity Framework highlights a significant annual funding shortfall of around $700 billion. This necessitates exploring innovative financial instruments and alternative funding sources to bridge the gap.

The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) is a global voluntary market-led initiative aimed at providing a risk management and disclosure framework for organisations to report and act on emerging nature-related risks and opportunities. The aim of TNFD is to redirect financial flows at scale from negative outcomes for nature towards positive nature ones.

Explore this report to find out the results of a 2023 survey on the readiness of the South African financial sector to report on TNFD, with a concise set of five practical recommendations for companies to act and report on TNFD.

Read the full publication

Financing Nature: is the South African financial sector ready to report on nature-related financial disclosures?

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