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The cover of the Global Plastic Bans and Phase-Outs Fact Sheet

Global plastic bans and phase-outs of high-risk plastics

Socio-economic impacts for South Africa

WWF South Africa has commissioned a report on the socio-economic impacts of global bans and phase-outs of 10 identified high-risk plastic products used in South Africa.

The report was commissioned because the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) adopted a decision to start negotiations on a legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution.

The zero draft treaty text sets out options to reduce and eliminate problematic and avoidable plastic products globally. The negotiations on the treaty text should be finalised by 2024 with implementation of the control measures taking place from 2025 at a national level. 

The commissioned report looks at the impacts of these interventions on specific socio-economic indicators in South Africa, including employment, wages and GDP.  This was done using a macroeconomic modelling approach.  

The study considers three scenarios: the baseline or status quo, an outright ban on four selected products deemed feasibly replaceable by 2025, and a phased withdrawal of six products by 2030. 

Results show a boost to real GDP outcomes and total employment for all genders, and an improvement in real wages and household income.  

Read the full publication

Global plastic bans and phase-outs fact sheet

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