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Cover of the clean coal factsheet

Clean coal: net-zero solution or another smokescreen?

Some people believe that “clean coal” technologies and related processes will allow the continued provision of coal-generated electricity, while adequately addressing its Earth-warming emissions impact.

But it is a myth that the burning of carbon-emitting fossil fuels, such as coal, can ever be “clean”. This factsheet outlines the three “clean” technologies and addresses the “clean coal” myths for each, as well as counterbalancing the myths with clear facts and the main reasons why they will never be climate-friendly solutions. In addition, all the proposed technologies are prohibitively expensive. But mostly, they will not help South Africa, or the world, in achieving net-zero and climate-resilient economies.

There is one possible technology solution – carbon dioxide removal – that has potential, albeit also an expensive solution. It is also unlikely to make a difference, given the short time by which we need to achieve net zero. This brief factsheet will arm you with the argument to know that coal is coal and the only way to reduce emissions is to drastically reduce our reliance on coal-fired power!

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Clean Coal: Net-zero solution or another smokescreen?

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