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Making a case for investing in nature-based solutions

South African municipalities are facing unprecedented challenges in the face of climate-related shocks and stresses and will face more in the future. While often overlooked, investment in nature-based solutions or nature-based infrastructure can support the reduction in carbon emissions and increase the resilience of municipalities to projected climate and environmental challenges.

This report makes the case for the inclusion of nature-based infrastucture at Rainbow Junction, a new greenfields development situated in Tshwane, using the SAVi tool to address future climate impacts. The cost-benefit analysis conducted was informed by multipliers from the international literature to assess the impacts of green roofs and urban trees and value carbon storage, energy reduction and stormwater retention benefits.
The analysis shared in this report shows that investment in green roofs and urban trees not onlyl make climate sense but also financial sense over the lifespan of the project. It also points to the need for collaborative action between cities and the private sector to support future climate resilience.

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Making the case for investing in nature based infrastructure

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