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Ropeless fishing: The solution to whale entanglement

Whale entanglement in fishing gear is one of the biggest threats to whales globally. An average of 14 whale entanglements from various types of fishing gear has been recorded in South Africa every year for the past five years.

The use of vertical ropes when catching West Coast and South Coast rock lobster, as well as octopus, is regarded as one of the major causes of whale entanglements in South Africa. The ropeless fishing technique has been tested and proven to be the solution.

This user-friendly informative factsheet outlines the negative impacts of the traditional rope-based fishing method versus the benefits that could be achieved if the aforementioned fisheries adopt innovative ropeless fishing techniques. It also provides useful information on the types of devices used in ropeless fishing, their functions and costs, as well as what to consider before purchasing some of the equipment.

Accompanying this document is a beautifully illustrated infographic that demonstrates the impacts of the rope-based technique and the benefits of the ropeless fishing method. Graphics of the devices depicted in the factsheet are included in the infographic to paint a picture of how they look and work in reality.

The infographic can be downloaded here.

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Ropeless fishing: The solution to whale entanglement

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