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Sihle Mlonyeni

2023 Intern

Sihle Mlonyeni enjoys peace and quiet and avoids negative people. Just as well she grew up in the city of Cape Town where an excursion into nature is never far away. After enrolling at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, she worked her way up the academic ladder, finally completing a Master’s degree in Environmental Management.

Chosen for an internship at Emanti Management in Stellenbosch, Sihle will be working as a water quality analyst. She will conduct field work and provide research and administrative support on various projects that focus on water and wastewater quality and management.

We asked Sihle to share some insights with us on her passions, hopes and plans:

What are you passionate about?

From wanting to become a social worker, psychologist or a nurse, I was always passionate about helping people. I later realised that protecting natural resources indirectly led me to help others. Projects on water and wastewater quality enable me to educate others on topics that will benefit both the current and future generations. I also feel strongly about youth development and participate in a school outreach programme that inspires more students to take up careers in science.

What inspired your choice of study?

I started studying Environmental Management without any background knowledge but began to enjoy it when I understood its importance. During my in-service training at the Western Cape’s Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, I was exposed to water quality monitoring and sampling. My training included field work and collecting water samples from various sites. I found this exciting, and it inspired me to pursue a Master’s degree in water and wastewater quality.

What excites you about your internship?

Being part of an innovation team that develops technologies for utilisation, protection and management of our water resources and natural environment is exciting for me, as is the chance to engage with other interns.

What are your expectations of this internship?

I expect to put my knowledge into practice, learn more about water management and gain valuable practical experience. I also expect to improve my networking and public speaking skills and use this opportunity as a steppingstone towards permanent employment.

What contribution do you hope to make towards a future in which people and nature thrive?

The environmental right in our Constitution says, “Everyone has the right to an environment which is not harmful to their health or well-being’’ yet many people have no access to clean and safe water. I want to inspire the youth to take on science-related subjects and understand the importance of water as a natural resource. Our actions can contribute to depleting our resources, so I want to raise awareness and conduct research that helps find new ideas, methods and technologies.

Who inspires you most and why?

My parents inspire me because, despite the challenges they faced, they always encouraged me to do and be better, especially with education. They are living proof that your background does not determine your destiny. They have broken generational curses and have created an excellent foundation for me and my siblings.

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