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5 tips for eating healthier - for nature, for you

For many of us, our earliest memory of a good meal is sitting around the dinner table with family or friends, enjoying a home-cooked meal or even going out to a favourite restaurant. For many others, though, these formative memories are tied to feelings of hunger and not having enough. How do we even the playing field?

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Every time you reach for that shopping basket, you hold the chance to make better, healthier choices.

Our lives are so busy that it is easy to make food choices that conflict with our best intentions, especially with so much mouth-watering marketing and easily-accessible and more affordable unhealthy options around.

These poor food choices are feeding a health crisis. And while we need greater accountability from key role players, you and I also have a part to play.

Here are 5 ways to be part of the change:

1. Variety is the spice of life

Eating a variety of foods that are high in plants, fruits, legumes, nuts and wholegrains and lower in meat and dairy dramatically reduces your carbon footprint. Choosing these types of foods means consumer demand shifts what is farmed and how land is used.

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Our planet offers an array of tasty, natural morsels for a diverse diet that provides all the nutrients we need.
2. Rethink the meat

If you eat meat, choose not to overconsume. Also, find out where your meat comes from, as free-range meat is higher in nutrients and better for the environment.

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Meatless meals are good for the planet, good for your health and good for your wallet.
3. Go local

Wherever and whenever you can, choose seasonal produce from smallholder farmers and small food businesses, as they have a much lower impact on the environment.

Keep it local and be sure to get the freshest, healthiest and least packaged food.
4. Vote no for junk status

Highly processed and convenience foods can be bad for your health and typically have a higher environmental footprint, not to mention the unnecessary and unrecyclable packaging that is associated with ‘food on the go’.

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Ditch 'fast' food and opt for tasty, wholesome alternatives.
​5. Throw out bad habits - not food

Avoid ‘buy in bulk’ hype which often leads to wastage or food going off if it’s not eaten in time. If this happens, compost what you can.

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Keep perfectly good food out of the bin and away from landfills.

Inspired to eat healthier? Together we can set a new path for ourselves – one that prioritises both planetary and human health. Join us at the table at #LPC2019 on 25 July 2019 when we explore these realities and consider fresh solutions on how to nourish the nation.

Melissa du Preez Photo
Melissa du Preez, Communications Officer

Melissa is passionate about good lifestyle habits that are good For Nature. For You.

Nourish the nation

Learn more about the Living Planet Conference.