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Johannesburg office FAQ's

Our office is situated in Braamfontein. (23 Melle Street, Braamfontein, 2001
Postnet suite 1, Private Bag X4, Braamfontein, 2017)

Nomonde Mxhalisa – nmxhalisa@wwf.org.za - 011-339-1152 ext. 209

Only an online shop to order from then the parcel will be delivered to your address.

Freddie -security will come and open for you soonest - 073-487-5412 or 061-240-6431

Please contact Mr Augustine Morkel on 021-657-6655 or at amorkel@wwf.org.za 

Freddy Security - 073-487-5412 or 061-240-6431 – I will take a message and give it to Freddy.

Justin Smith on 021-657-6676 or jsmith@wwf.org.za (Justin) alt. amaselwa@wwf.org.za (Avuyile)

hr@wwf.org.za alt. mmotebele@wwf.org.za (Mayele)– 021-657-6654

Small directory list from City of Cape Town at reception – SPCA, Bee Problems Snakes, Birds….,

I can only help you their email addresses 

Our WWF offices are open from Monday to Friday – 08:00 till 17:00.

His mobile number are - 073-487-5412 or 061-240-6431 (but regarding supplies I will liaise with Freddie directly).