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Change the way we see climate change before it changes the way we see our world.

© WWF South Africa

We all love to explore our planet, yet the reality is that it is under threat. If we do not change the trajectory of climate change now, the landscapes and landmarks we love will disappear. However, if we act now, we can ensure that our planet, and everything we love about it, can live on for us and future generations to thrive.

What is the impact of climate change?

The reality is that as we consume more fossil fuels-based energy, and industrialise more of our planet, the world heats up as greenhouse gasses consume our atmosphere.

If we allow the global average temperature to increase by more than 1.5°C, then there is not one part of our planet that will not be adversely affected by climate change.

At WWF we are committed to doing everything we can to mitigate the effects of climate change in order to preserve the planet for all those who live on it to enjoy. Join our movement.


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Change the way we see climate change before it changes the way we see our world. You can make a difference
© WWF South Africa