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Water stewardship experiences in the Western Cape

The WWF-SA and WWF-UK offices have cooperated with M&S and Woolworths to implement water stewardship approaches in the Western Cape fruit sector.

The WWF-SA and WWF-UK offices have cooperated with M&S and Woolworths to implement water stewardship approaches in the Western Cape fruit sector.

The retailers identified the area as high risk during the application of the WWF Water Risk Filter tool that determines water risks in their supply lines. This last year has led to the voluntary involvement of nine stone fruit farmers in the Breede catchment, who have implemented water stewardship steps at the farm level. They have also helped to test the AWS standard as a tool for water stewardship.

The key experiences from this process have been summed up in a booklet, to be launched at a project workshop in Ceres on 22 October 2014. The booklet provides an introduction to water stewardship in the agriculture sector and contains links to key water stewardship and AWS contacts.
Water Stewardship Experiences in the Western Cape

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