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Resilient coastal community partners

  • Abalobi

  • CapeNature

  • Contour Training Authority

  • Council for Scientific and Industrial Research

  • Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment

  • Eastern Cape Development Corporation

  • Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency

  • FishFORCE – Nelson Mandela University

  • Flanders Government

  • German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development 

  • Indalo Inclusive South Africa

  • International Oceans Institute – Southern Africa

  • Kleinmond Integrated Fishing  Forum

  • Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve Company

  • Kogelberg Marine Working Group

  • Local Economic Development, Overstrand Municipality

  • Marine Anti-poaching Unit

  • Ngqushwa Municipality

  • One Ocean Hub

  • Protea Dorp Indigenous Committee

  • Siyaphambili Fishing Cooperative

  • Siyazama Aquaculture Cooperative

  • South African Police Service

  • South African Shark Conservancy

  • Transport Education Training Authority