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Can nature keep the lights on?

Take our quiz and find out whether renewables are doable in a time of load-shedding

Currently, how much electricity comes from coal-fired power stations?

92.75% of electricity in SA is produced by Eskom's 13 coal-fired power stations. These are aging and in need of maintenance, one reason we are experiencing load-shedding.

Which is not a source of renewable energy?

Types of renewables include solar energy (sun), wind energy, hydroelectric energy (rivers and seas) and geothermal energy (heat from within the earth).

SA is one of the world's top greenhouse gas emitters.

SA is ranked among the world's top 15 for greenhouse gas emissions. And, of the G20 countries, we're the top emitter. Whoa!

We can't keep the lights on without fossil fuels like coal.

95% of our power could be generated through renewable resources like water, wind and sun by 2050 using technologies that already exist or are being developed.

Renewables are more costly than coal-based electricity.

SA's Intergrated Resource Plan 2019 states that renewable energy is the least-cost option provide for our energy needs going forward.

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Bring back our power!

More renewable energy means acting on our global climate change commitments and putting an end to load-shedding. But our government needs to turn words into action.

Bring back our power!

More renewable energy means acting on our global climate change commitments and putting an end to load-shedding. But our government needs to turn words into action.

Bring back our power!

More renewable energy means acting on our global climate change commitments and putting an end to load-shedding. But our government needs to turn words into action.