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5 facts about our food future

There are many invisible threads that connect nature to our plates, fridges and fruit bowls - a healthy choice for us is a healthy choice for the environment. We need a food system that is regenerative - that gives back to nature more than it takes.

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To nourish our nation we need to cherish our food as the rich produce of a finite planet.

We are grappling with the long-term effects of a food system that is buckling under the weight of our demand. To turn this around, we need long-term holistic solutions that include all role-players across the food supply chain.
A firm understanding of this reality will allow us to start the move to a more nutritious and sustainable food system.
Here are 5 forward-thinking things to know about:

​1. Nurture nature

The production of food is currently constrained by depleted natural resources, so shifting towards healthy and ecological nutrition is the only way out if we want to live within the limits of our planet.

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Collectively rethinking our food system provides an opportunity to catalyse change that could steer us in a new direction.
2. Tasty alternatives

At present 60% of plant-derived calories are obtained from rice, maize and wheat but there are over 50 000 edible plants to choose from.

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Our planet offers us a spectacular array of plant-based dietary options to put us on a new path.
3. The definitive diet

We are now seeing the long-term effects of industrialised agriculture production, consumerism and consumption - especially the negatives of environmental degradation and diet-related diseases. To connect the dots between diets, human health and the natural environment, a 2019 scientific report (EAT-Lancet) recommended a ‘reference diet’ which could feed 10 billion people in 2050 within a safe planetary operating space.

4. The best ingredients

With mouth-watering marketing and too many easily-accessible and more affordable unhealthy food options, our busy lives and habitual choices often override the choice to change our diets. Food retailers and manufacturers have a responsibility to invest in measures for transforming the food system, as do government who set policy.

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Rethinking what makes its way onto the shelves at shopping centres, allows consumers to make better, healthier options.
5. Food for all

To sustainably nourish everyone, we must act now. Informed by the best science and technology, we need holistic, people-centred solutions across all sectors and at all scales. Holistic solutions to the system that underpins our society will also enable South Africa’s development agenda.

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To nourish our nation we need to cherish our food as the rich produce of a finite planet.

Join us at the table at #LPC2019 on 25 July 2019 when we explore these realities and consider solutions on how to nourish the nation.

Melissa du Preez Photo
Melissa du Preez, Communications Officer

Melissa is all about bringing good lifestyle habits that are good for people and good for nature to life.

Nourish the nation

Learn more about the Living Planet Conference.