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Bees, gum trees and regulations

A guide for landowners

​Our food system increasingly faces threats from climate change to sustain food security and livelihoods, placing more demands on our natural resources. We need more crops and horticulture to feed a growing population, which means that we need more honey bees to pollinate them. That’s why we need more bee-friendly sources of forage to keep our bees healthy.

This booklet serves as a guide for landowners to protect or grow forage resources for honey bees, understanding that these support other pollinators and natural predators too. It explains why eucalyptus trees are vital to the beekeeping and agricultural industries in South Africa, while contextually managing healthy indigenous biodiversity.
Download the guide to better understand when to clear eucalyptus trees and how you can better support honey bees rebuild healthy ecosystems for nature and agriculture.

Download the Afrikaans version here, or the English version below.

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Bees, gum trees and regulations

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